Do you dream of one day seeing your very own children’s book on the shelves at a bookstore…
but you’re struggling to nail down your story so you can move on to the next step?
Well then this is for you! I’m hosting a FREE Mini Workshop on writing your children’s book story.
Whether you want to self-publish or go the traditional publishing route,
you will need to finish your story (or what’s also called your manuscript.)
At the end of this workshop you will have:
Your story idea and main characters finalized
Your word and page count goal
A realistic date set on your calendar for completion
A clear plan of your daily tasks in order to hit your deadline
The knowledge of what your 3 different publishing options are
Here is what to expect each day:
The moment you sign up, I’ll send you Lesson 1 and each day after, you’ll receive a new lesson in your inbox for 5 days.
I will help you stop wasting your time
By breaking down this big goal into bite-sized lessons sent straight to your inbox once a day : )
And seriously, what have you got to lose?
Come and join me for the next 5 days and let’s turn you into a children’s book author!
Too busy to read all this? I made a video version just for you! Just press play below : )
I love to teach others from my experiences…
And make it a little easier for the next person.
I see the importance of an abundant mindset in every aspect of life including a creative career
and don’t see any value in keeping everything I’ve learned to myself.
Sharing my knowledge with you is something I am honored to be able to do.