Start working on your children’s book TODAY

With this simple 5-day Writing Workshop

Do you dream of one day seeing your very own children’s book on the shelves at a bookstore…

but you’re struggling to nail down your story so you can move on to the next step?

Well then this is for you! I’m hosting a FREE Mini Workshop on writing your children’s book story.

Whether you want to self-publish or go the traditional publishing route,
you will need to finish your story (or what’s also called your manuscript.) 

Start Your Story, Free Mini Writing Workshop. Let's start writing your children's book today!

At the end of this workshop you will have:

  • Your story idea and main characters finalized

  • Your word and page count goal

  • A realistic date set on your calendar for completion 

  • A clear plan of your daily tasks in order to hit your deadline

  • The knowledge of what your 3 different publishing options are

You’ll also get my Writing Workshop Worksheet to help you:

-Finalize your story idea

-Finalize your word + page count

-Create a schedule that will work for you

-Summarize the different options for publishing your book

Here is what to expect each day:

The moment you sign up, I’ll send you Lesson 1 and each day after, you’ll receive a new lesson in your inbox for 5 days.

Lesson 1: Decide on a story idea

If you haven’t figured this out already, we’ll figure it out together!

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

- Your story concept
- Your characters
- And a few ways to make your characters relatable to your readers

Lesson 2: Word count + book industry standards

Sticking with industry standards will help your book resonate best with your readers and sets yourself up for success.

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

-Why it’s important to be aware of industry standards
-Word + Page count for picture books
-Word + Page count for board books

Lesson 3: Make a schedule

The key to crafting a plan that will actually work is making your tasks measurable.

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

-How to make an effective plan
-How to create a personalized schedule for yourself
-A simple formula for creating daily tasks

Lesson 4: Write the story

Start by creating a rough outline of your story. This will help you figure out how the story should flow.

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

-Making a rough outline
-Examples of 2 types of story formats
-Making your first draft
-Self-editing your story

Lesson 5: Where to go from here

Your story’s written—now what?!

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

-A brief overview of the 3 types of publishing
-Why I chose self-publishing
-A resource I have for you if you decide to self-publish

I will help you stop wasting your time

By breaking down this big goal into bite-sized lessons sent straight to your inbox once a day : )

And seriously, what have you got to lose?

Come and join me for the next 5 days and let’s turn you into a children’s book author!

Too busy to read all this? I made a video version just for you! Just press play below : )


Starving Artist Turned Artreprenuer

I’m an art makin’ mama, creative biz bookworm, self-publishing obsessed educator, brainstorming machine who’s spent my whole life in the trenches of building a creative career that is authentic to me and sustainable when it comes to growing with me for the long haul.

I went from being a run of the mill art kid googling my way through “How to Publish a Children’s Book?”

To selling over 12k books that can be found in 20+ local stores, as well as, Bend La-Pine Schools, Deschutes Library, vacation rentals, and more!

I hit roadblocks and made mistakes, but each setback taught me something new.

After doing the work and making it to the other side, I can see more clearly what worked and what didn’t.

I’m committed to teaching others exactly how to get their children’s book out of their minds and into their hands with a framework that simply works!

I love to teach others from my experiences

And make it a little easier for the next person.

I see the importance of an abundant mindset in every aspect of life including a creative career
and don’t see any value in keeping everything I’ve learned to myself.

Sharing my knowledge with you is something I am honored to be able to do.

The best time to start on your goals is NOW!

And what better way than with someone (who believes in keeping things simple!) guiding you through each step of the way.

You will continue to grow and improve and I’ll be right here with ya’ doing the same thing!
keep making new things and following your dreams!

Hope to see ya soon for Lesson 1 : )

Get My Free 5 Day Writing Workshop!

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